"Commissar. We are here for each other. We are here for our brothers. We are here for all mankind.
We are here to save our lost brethren from themselves. No one deserves to live in slavery. The capitalist system makes slaves of us all. The "freedom" it pretends to give is illusionary. For all of history, the world can be equated to two classes. The haves and the have-nots, the bourgeois and the proletariat, the men and the women, the rich and the poor. The former trample the latter, but in a way that the latter do no realize. Everywhere humankind is in chains. The rich take everything from the worker and give back only what he needs to survive in order to replicate his slavery. He is always paid less than his work is worth because this empowers the rich.
That whore democracy blinds men to this. They think they have the chance to change things, to lessen their burden by electing leaders. This isn't true power. The regime itself is exploitative and poisonous. Democracy gives the people the illusion that things are always getting better, when they are just as enslaved as ever. The next guy, he's the one that will release us and make us rich. No, the one after that. No we were wrong, here's the one. It goes on and on.
The poor don't want to be free in capitalism. They want to be rich, to be powerful. What kind of a want is that? Is that were real happiness comes from? The ability to force another to produce for you? NO!
True happiness lies in being able to be a factory worker in the morning, a painter in the afternoon, a poet at night and a philosopher after that. It lies in being able to use your mind to the maximum potential, without worry and without suffering. Capitalism produces inequality naturally. It is unjust.
Religion plays a sinister role in the exploitation of the worker as well. Everywhere god fearing people are told "don't worry, your salvation is at hand" or "don't worry, your salvation will come in the afterlife." It never comes. How convenient it is that the worker is promised that things will get better only after they die and can't enjoy it. It's an utter lie. Religion and the bourgeois are in bed together.
And look what capitalism has done to the woman and her lot. Property has made men evil creatures. In order to preserve their property through clear and distinct lines of inheritance they invent social institutions that require women to be chase under pain of alienation and even physical violence. Property devalues women's work by relegating them to the home where they are valueless. In capitalism, only things that have exchange-value, that can be exchanged for money are valuable. If a woman isn't producing in the economy, she is less than a person.
The coalition, in my mind, is the one organization in the sector that is fighting for the good of all mankind. We are all brothers, and together we form the vanguard that will spark the revolution and free all of humanity from the root of all evil: property. O great commissar, why should you lay down your life to protect mine? Because we are all made equal by the glorious banner of socialism. We are the only true humans in the known galaxy. We few who believe in socialism, in the coalition. We are the few who can see the truth, that the fate and aspirations of humanity are higher than this base existence that we know. We are better than being constantly at each other throats, fighting over little scraps of paper or digital codes. Life ultimately isn't about who has the biggest ship. It's about being happy and using your potential to the greatest maximum weal for the benefit of all. That is why we all must sacrifice our lives for each other. Because together we are powerful, and move forward. We innovate, we strive, we create. In is in community that we are strong, and each owes the next their life, because wouldn't we want that in return? We must all join together and make pacts of brotherhood so that the glorious representation of humanity's future, the coalition, will live on."
Shaken by this unexpected outbust, Koos sits back and remains silent.
So true is it that unnatural generally means only uncustomary, and that everything which is usual appears natural.