A man walked into the recruitment office. Even without knowing much about the Coalition, one could tell this man was important. The Marines immediately snapped to attention and saluted as he passed by. Maintenance workers would move out of his way. The insignia of a Colonel was visible on his uniform. The Crest of the Typoon-Class Destroyer Trotsky on his arm. The Hero of the Revolution pinned proudly upon his chest. There was no mistaking it. This was Colonel Aloysius Rhade.
He looked around the room, finally picking a candidate.
He pointed at Sergey.
"You. With me." The Candidate followed Rhade into a spartan room. There were no chairs, no decorations. Just a table, a pistol and some ammo.
Rhade motioned for Sergey to wait at one end of the table, while he circled around to the other side. Picking up the pistol, he put ammo in it and set it down beside him.
Without looking up at the candidate, Rhade spoke.
"Tell my why you're here, and you better not be cliche."