Amusingly there was no shot, only the empty 'click' of an empty cartridge.
With a small smile he nods his head.
"I only put in one bullet into my pistol, I had expected to expend it on your head, still I'm impressed, actual intent to kill." he commented, slight pride in his voice as he stared at the still bleeding Yuri with a smile on his face.
"Some times you will be given orders that do not agree with you, however we all must obey for the greater good, one must be capable of following orders with the maximum amount of effort and loyalty to the cause." he lectured while casually grabbing the pistol and returning it to his holster.
"So Mr Popov, how does it feel to obey orders to kill a man?" he questioned the man, he was very calm, almost as if he never had ordered the other man to kill him in cold blood.