Dave listened carefully to Ellie as she gave him the necklace. He then looked at the highly detailed insignia of "Cerberus", and at the glowing effect of the necklace. He was very moved and very touched by Ellies gift.
I've seen lots of mysterious and beautiful things in my life, but no one gave me something unique like this... its very special... a Wayfinder... "Even in the darkest corners of the universe, there is always a light, a light which shows you the way back home", I never thought what my father said really exists. I appreciate your gift Ellie, very much...
He looked at Ellie with his usual charismatic smile, but this time with a very small tear on his right cheek. Dave never reacted like this from a very long time because he was hiding a drama of his life, and until now he never found any interest in any women since the long forgotten event...
He then hugged Ellie, and with a glare in his eyes, he had a look like he wanted to kiss her, but he thought that this move couldn't be appropiate for him as he acted as gentle and kind as he could....
Rudimentary creatures of blood and flesh, you touch my mind, fumbling in ignorance, incapable of understanding. - Sovereign