"If you cannot read a man by his posture, his body language by the flickers in his eyes and face then what use are you?! How could you tell if a spy had infiltrated the Coalition?"
Ling kicked the chair over and pushed the recruit to the floor, the sword raised above his head.
"Happiness is weakness. Do you think you would survive the trials on JiangXi just by being "happy" that you are part of the Coalition?! Of course you wouldn't! You need drive, determination and a strong will... I see none of that in you. You lack confidence, you lack belief."
Ling mulled over whether he should plunge the sword into the man's heart.
"You find a transport full of Cardimine flying through the Omega's. After you have successfully stopped it, the captain is reasonable. He pays you 10 million as a donation towards the revolution. What would you do next?"