Koos was obviously shaken. Having a loaded gun pointed at one's head is never a calming experience.
"Trust is something that can only be had between equals. You are a soldier of the revolution. I am merely a wayward soul who has done more to further the capitalist agenda than hinder it. You certainly shouldn't trust me. I'm not worthy of it. Not unless we were both brothers in the revolution. I, however, can trust you a great deal. Your authority in the coalition makes you trustworthy to all those outside. If fact, by the very nature of your positoin in the coalition, you are more trustworthy than absolutely anyone on the outside. Even the most virtuous and sincere of those outside of the coalition, priests, doctors, neighbors don't hold a candle to a coalition member, for their entire conceptions of their worlds is tied to property. Trust simply isn't possible on the outside. I trust you, sir, because you are a soldier of the revolution. You are a representative of the only truly moral force in the sector."
So true is it that unnatural generally means only uncustomary, and that everything which is usual appears natural.