You know Kell, Im rpobalby going to be fried for this day.
Ok, I have a couple events that ahpepend.
Event 1:
This is a big one. While in Dublin, I was contacted by the Isis that a Navy ship was sighted. Telling the Order| near me, we returned to Minor, and finally found the cruiser withint the Cloud near Dabadoru. After talkng with him, we took his LSF attache as a hostage to stage a heist from the Prison Liner Maddox of 103 Order Pilots.
Agent Egde wached the man carefully. Upon getting them, he returned to Alaska. When he arrived at Wrangell, an argument ensured, with me threatening his LSF Attache. After shootng her arm, he gave me the rest of the piltos. Thats when I revealed the person I shot was a hologram, and the real LSF attache-named Krystal, was actually eating with my little sister Rika. After giving the piltos up, I returned them to Isis.
Ebent 2:
Ima dead man for this one...
I have been watching Eva McDowell for awhile now, since Edge told me she has exoerienced memory loss...Well, I arrived in New York, heaidng to Rheinland to check her over after the latest memory loss scenario.
Thats when the Sh** hit the fan sir. Upon arriving, I found out that a pilot-named Vixen-was going crazy. Paladin-AKA Roxas, my brother-had made frinds with her, and so, being Roxas's brother, I mvoed to assist.
After finally caputring her, and a failed attempt to begin surgery, we gave her to the Maverick IV. Forming up with a man named Salem, we headed to throw offer our pursueres.
Thats when the crap happaned.
RNC forces, teh Sturmar (cant rememebr) and OfniR ordered me to release her (before I had given her to the Maverick). Thenthe Maverick came under attack at Westpoint from Vagrant Raiders. I moved in to assist.
This is tha bad part. An AI crusier, the A.A.Ai, told me not to engage the VR -after calling me stupid-and CD'd me. The AI cruser then wouldnt let me escape, then even opened fire on me when my ship defended itself from the VR. Using hologram techonolgy and a prototype hyperdrive unit, I escaped. Upon returning to Minor, I began organizing a withdrawl from Liberty space. After arguing with David Copperfield...
Anyways. I managed to guide the ships-a Slave Liner, a Collector, and a ligth fighter, to Toledo and gave them temp clearance to land. Foru Security teams have taken Vixen to medical to remve a shard of Noamd crap from ehr leg.
I landed the Ghost Eye in her Toledo hanger and went to get drinks...
Thats my reports...please dont tell HighCom sir... I'm already screwed enough, and I did the second thing ebcause it was the right thing to do.