There are times when it seems that getting stabbed in the back is what makes us Mollys.
There were rumors around that a Gallic fleet on the rather large side is spotted in Dublin. Those proved to be true, and I was the one fortunate to spot them not far from Hood coming from Edinburgh jumphole: Image. They weren't all that hostile at that moment, though as proved later my gut feeling did not deceive me.
Quote:[24.02.2012 21:17:00] GRN|Alice.DeFrance: You only have one answer to voice, Molly.
[24.02.2012 21:17:05] GRN|Alice.DeFrance: Are you with us, or against us ?
[24.02.2012 21:17:08] [M]-James.Corey: Oh, someonw did tell you might appear
[24.02.2012 21:17:51] [M]-James.Corey: what are you doing in our system is the first question
[24.02.2012 21:18:01] GRN|Alice.DeFrance: It's war.
[24.02.2012 21:18:11] [M]-James.Corey: That much I know
[24.02.2012 21:18:14] GRN|Alice.DeFrance: We don't care about this land.
[24.02.2012 21:18:18] GRN|Alice.DeFrance: Only the BAF.
[24.02.2012 21:18:34] GRN|Alice.DeFrance: However if you prove hostile to us, we will be hostile as well.
[24.02.2012 21:18:51] [M]-James.Corey: Armed forces are quick to betray, but what is there to say that you are any different?
[24.02.2012 21:19:08] GRN|Alice.DeFrance: Ask the Gaians.
[24.02.2012 21:19:14] GRN|Alice.DeFrance: They'll tell you we respect our engagements.
[24.02.2012 21:19:31] [M]-James.Corey: The fools, why would I listen to their opinion?
[24.02.2012 21:19:39] GRN|Alice.DeFrance: They're still Bretonians.
[24.02.2012 21:19:49] [M]-James.Corey: And last of those I met weren't all to fond of you either
[24.02.2012 21:20:13] [M]-James.Corey: Who is it I'm talking to anyway?
[24.02.2012 21:20:16] GRN|Alice.DeFrance: Let your leaders know.
[24.02.2012 21:20:25] [M]-James.Corey: our leaders are informed
[24.02.2012 21:20:28] [M]-Inglorious.Bastard2: lets visit them miners..
[24.02.2012 21:20:29] GRN|Alice.DeFrance: This is the only reason we'll let you go for now.
[24.02.2012 21:20:40] GRN|Alice.DeFrance: Attack us, and we'll attack you.
[24.02.2012 21:20:57] GRN|Alice.DeFrance: Forces, let's move.
[24.02.2012 21:21:27] [M]-James.Corey: Careful out there, these fields can be treacharous at times
I followed the Gallics as they went deeper into Dublin, past Hood towards the gate. It wan't long after Armed forces made an attempt to stop their progress and were engaged
A large fleet battle broke out. Staying in a safe distance I was observed how Armed forces were slowly and steadily annihilated by the Gallics. A capital of theirs, a destoryer, soon took critical damage and was forced to seek refuge behind Essex. It was just snubcraft from that point on.
Luckily for armed forces, gallic ships seemed to have some technical difficulties and they soon disengaged and headed back to Edinburgh. Again I followed them in safe distance and kept and eye on the, while, apparently, some of our higher-ups were in communications with their commander. By an approximate count, I estimated their forces as 1 cruiser, 1 gunboat and about a dozen snubcraft.
I have little idea of how the negotiations went, but Gallics soon left to Edinburgh and I went to catch up with a group of Mollys in New London.
As it was, we were hapy to find two defenseless cruisers - 13th|HMS-Sharatan and 13th|HMS-Snake - near New London's orbit. Too good and opportunity to weaken the backstabbing royal lackeys to waste. Destroyers were swiftly engaged (1, 2) and not long after destroyed.
After that we moved forth to Leeds. A Bretonian battleship - 13th|HMS-Argosax - and its escorts were spotted quite soon. With almost no hostile intentions we disrupted it to question. Naturally, it opened fire on as as they always do.
As the battle ensued, the frogs made an appearance again. Still, they were all nice and friendly in words and - for now - in actions. Bretonian fleet was literally walked over, though Gallics did lose one of their Valors in the process. Images: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.
Now we've got to the whole point of this transmission. As in what happens when holding to an agreement is no longer beneficial to the royal Frog and what anyone not gullible to an extraordinary extent would have seen coming from long ago.
In the best backstabbing traditions, Gallics turned on us and managed to down one damaged barghest before we pulled out.
Quote:[24.02.2012 22:45:11] GRN|Aurelia.DeFrance: That's the last capital. Move onto the fighters now.
[24.02.2012 22:45:37] Salem.Jansen: Fighters. Us?
[24.02.2012 22:45:45] MIchael_the_3: GRN, I thought we had agreement of no shoting to one another
[24.02.2012 22:45:48] GRN|RNS-Roubaix: Now for you Mollies
[24.02.2012 22:45:55] Nicolas.Vanier: Time to kill that annoying pests!
[24.02.2012 22:45:56] GRN|Aurelia.DeFrance: I don't see any Bretonian Capital ships left now, do you?
[24.02.2012 22:46:53] [M]-James.Corey: I knew I was not wrong when I told you are not to be trusted, too
[24.02.2012 22:47:15] [M]-Ol'Ale: Gallics will pay for this...
[24.02.2012 22:47:30] Death: [M]-Need.A.Snac was killed by GRN|Aurelia.DeFrance (Gun)
That's it for now. Screw diplomacy, we are going to need a lot of guns! Big ones at that. Prsonally I'll see if "Lismore" can be repaired any time soon.