Dave was amazed of their entire story. And again he had that typical "glare of the scientist"..
"You actually survived cryo-stasis, that's something unique, and also your biological rythm wasn't affected, it's something to be proud of Ellie. All of it doesn't change my opinion regarding you.. *he put a shy smile on his face* . And I am really shocked to hear that Jeremy actually was in the first line on the Nomad War events.. fascinating.. . *he then suddenly laughed* In 800-801 I was 11 and studying elementary quantum physics with my father. I was a small nerd... erhhh *again an ironic laugh came*. But regarding your age, for a lady at early forties, I can say you look very good *small laughs*. Let me show you something else *he then smiled with a glorious charm *
He then took out from one of his pockets, 3 small purple stones, in diamond shapes. He put them into a triangle form, and picked up his laser tool. Then he looked at Ellie with a very sweet smile, and he shot one of the stones with the small laser impulse. The 3 stones started a glowing effect, levitating in air. Then they linked up toghether through a beautiful purple beam, and immediately after, a huge projection was created in front of them. Some strange symbols appeared but for Dave were common because he studied the artifact for a long time. Then everything turned to be some sort of star map with explored and un-explored systems...
"This Ellie, is a very rare and unique Nomad artifact. I found it on a remote planet on Kansas by mistake, when the miners were trying to find Palladium mineral. This is something similar to the artifacts that triggered the ancient star map of the K'Vosh Empire, found by doctor Kendra Sinclair, almost 18 years ago. As you can see the center star is Sirius, there is Omicron 99, Iota, Minor, Major, Coronado, the Unknown system from Liberty sector... and some other unidentified systems. This symbols and words, are calculations to establish the links between the Hypergates. Coronado hides one of these hypergates, and apparently, when it was functional, it led to Proxima Centauri. Because this region, is far in the "outer rim" of the Sirius Sector. Our inhabited systems are cornered by ancient K'Hara and K'Vosh systems. And an interesting fact is that Sol, was near a major nomad world, and it presented a huge threat for the foreign K'Vosh territory, though we weren't evolved enough to face a 1 million years old galactic empire... or at least what remained of it. And one thing concerns me and feares me... the incredible connection between the Unknown System, and the Iota one. Take a closer look, Iota is like a highway of space navigation, because some other mysterious systems link with it. The nomad world from Liberty, is like a control point, because you can see on the map that there exists a direct link with Iota to... *and he zoomed into the Iota map representation* that space object, which I don't .. well I can't figure out its utility. My theory is *and he looks straight in Ellie's eyes* that .. the entire Iota system was an ancient ... not hyper, not super, rather an Intergalactic Gate for the easy-to-use way of navigation between the border sectors of the K'Vosh territories. Remember that the K'Vosh were fighting the ancient Crathygtan... or what ever they were called, so they needed fast movement for their defensive forces. But of course it's just a theory.."
He then moves the stones a bit...
"And it should be this..."
It was the system where Dave lost Ashley, 9 years ago...
"The system in where I've lost her... It's there, but ... can't figure out how to pass the electromagnetic barrier. But it's useless to think again. *this time he forgot about his emotions*"
He took the stones back into his pocket as the holographic starmap deactivated. He then looked to Ellie with a small but always charismatic smile.
"There are more to learn.. and more to see, but maybe I can show you in more detail in private sometime, even between friends and allies, there are things I don't want to show yet..."
He looked at her with a lovely smile...
Rudimentary creatures of blood and flesh, you touch my mind, fumbling in ignorance, incapable of understanding. - Sovereign