Each footstep of his dark, perfectly shined military all terrain boots echoed on the steel deck plating. Every Marine he passed snapped to attention with perfect, crisp, military precision. The salutes were given with a sense of pride, admiration, and fear. Each salute was returned in crisp, precise fashion. No words. Just a terrible calm.
Commissar Sergeant Major Stepan Rassid entered the office. He gave a cold, peircing look at Alicia, and uttered a single, calm word in a low husky voice.
She nodded. He gave a look at Kirov, and said nothing. A crisp salute to the Major, and emotionless eyes. It was then, that he took his seat. Carefully, calmly, and with a perfect precision. It was not fast, nor even slow - just...smooth.
A coffee mug held with a firm and sure grip - it was only then that Kirov noticed the white tightened flesh of his knuckles, in how he grasped the cup with a deathgrip. Every muscle was clenched, and the look of mild contempt and apathy was an emotionless mask. A mask that concealed a body holding back a killing will, fueled with righteous rage.