It begins with a Bretonian who aspires to join the BAF yet finds himself in prison after murdering several of his fellow recruits to escape what is portrayed as insufferable harassment.
While in prison he meets a group of Corsairs who have been imprisoned following an aborted raid on Cork who take the young Bretonian into their confidance.
The Bretonian and the Corsairs escape by bribing a guard. They escape on the Battleship for which the faction is named which was left at the prison. During the escape the prior captain of the Osiris was killed in his bomber in the wake of which the Bretonian was seemingly named leader of the impromptu armada.
The young Bretonian swears revenge on Bretonia for his change in circumstance and the Corsairs, being as they are, readily concur with the idea of carrying on with shooting up Bretonia. Furthermore they heartily support the idea of recruiting a vast swath of non Corsairs such as Gaians and unaffiliated pirates to join their fleet.
Shortly after this Smith encounters the profit of the Shaulanca cult, which originates from a distant system where a war between two planets has ravaged the population, which is composed of the peoples who fled to Sirius and ultimate arrival at Gran Canaria where the cult begins to build a fleet to take over the entirety of the Sirius sector. The leader of the Shaulanca cult then proceeds to brainwash the Bretonian and convinces him to lend his fleet to the Shaulanca cause.
So! In short!
The Shaulanca fleet is predominantly made up of Corsairs. They seem to have incorporated a crew of unaffiliated pirates from unknown backgrounds.
Their goals are to take over Sirius, starting with Bretonia, starting with Dublin.
Their methods of accomplishing this is a mixture of extortion and military raids.
I imagine your best course of action would be figuring out which way you want to go. Ditch the Corsair ID and go with the pirate, or ditch the pirate ID and go Corsair. Much of what you are doing conflicts with established norms concerning who the Corsairs are and how they perceive outsiders. This is going to earn you friction.