"EDI: Welcome Dave, you are now registered into the mainframe. Specify a topic."
"Activate "Dinner Environment Program, version 2.0."
"EDI: Understood, activating."
Then the dinner room's ambiental luminosity changed to a more pleasant one. Then some holographic projections of some Bretonian Royal Chandeliers appeared offering a luxury feeling. The right wall of the room turned into a very elegant bar with some refined and expensive drinks. Then the music changed to some gallant opera masterpieces originating from ancient Earth. The ambient changed perfectly.
"Thank you EDI."
Then Dave looked to Eriksson with a friendly smile, and continued..
"This is part of the entertainment module of the Cerberus Upgrade Pack. Before I will go back to my duty, I will give you this special device which will reveal itself as a manual for all the modules installed on The Neith.* then he put his finger on the big Cerberus HoloDisc with the insiginia on it*"
Rudimentary creatures of blood and flesh, you touch my mind, fumbling in ignorance, incapable of understanding. - Sovereign