I'm not claiming you did it on purpose Adria. I'm simply saying that, that is one of the things that annoyed the Zoner factions leadership. I also made the point that it isn't always a bad thing, sometimes such events are a good thing. The problem we had with it was the sheer level of mischeif your bunch caused. Thankfully the factions involved didn't feel the need to make much issue with your mischeif.
As for the matter about using smaller craft, most on this server view cap ships as role play devices rather than instruments for PvP. By only using cap ships you make role playing with you annoying. An example is the SCRA you destroyed near Freeport 5. You used two detroyers from what I gather. Exactly why did you need two destroyers to kill one ship? You could have merely used one, or better yet you could have been in a smaller craft and made the PvP encounter fun for that SCRA pilot too.
That is my point, you remove the other sides fun because they have no chance in winning because all you fly is cap ships. Am I saying lay down and let them win? No. Absolutely not. I'm saying instead of always flying cap ships, mix it up so you can make the playing field even when it needs to be made even.
As for the SCRA and the BHG attacking you? Could it not because you provoked them? You ordered a Hunter to leave Freeport 11 for no reason, then destroyed him when he asked you why he was told to leave. He was in a Mako, you used two Jinkusu. Again, instead of giving the other side even the smallest chance to have a fighting chance, you overwhelmed them. I'm not entirely sure why the SCRA went after you, but as with all the other factions you interacted with I'd bet you provoked them in some way.
I think the main problem is you came from a PvP server simple to fly cap ships. You choose this server due to its high player count. Which I completely understand. Why join a PvP server that has no other players? Problem is, you choose a faction whose role play is not to PvP unless it is the only option left to them.