Just wanted to let you know here since I was perhaps the one who was quite visible in Dublin IMG play:
I switched my char to Merc ID and left Dublin as an IMG affiliated mercenary (reason: the freedom to do what you want because if my IMG roleplay is destroyed, I don't want the restrictions that come with it).
There has not been a single minute in Dublin which didn't remind me of what I cannot do now and how the situation had deteriorated.
I'm somewhere around Liberty, shooting people.
When the mining comes back, I'll be back in Dublin with IMG|Jack_Hendersin, but as long as there is nothing to do for IMG (not even shooting others because we are neutral with everybody),
I'm working hard to cause more lulwut-stupid-incidents somewhere else to prove to Cannon that behaviour has deteriorated and the mining must be switched back on. *not entirely serious*
Cya in Dublin in a few weeks to resume the cool stuff we had and forget about this "recession", as we treat it ingame.