I've had one thought in reading this that I don't see mentioned anywhere else.
Is your FL install from a disc, or from a torrent?
The reason I ask is - there are some torrented versions of Freelancer out there that aren't quite pure ISO copies. Actually, they've got the .ini files already unpacked - and someone did some playing in those .ini files. That's one reason back when the mine cheat got going the first time, there were a LOT of people automatically banned - they had a bad install.
I'm just thinking that even though you re-installed the game, if your actual source had an issue, nothing is going to correct that.
(Note - I personally don't have an issue if you use a torrent file. I obviously can't come out and say that I support people using them, since that's against the terms of use of our forums.)
(11-21-2013, 12:53 PM)Jihadjoe Wrote: Oh god... The end of days... Agmen agreed with me.