' Wrote:BAF realize that Essex is better deployed in the defence against Kusari and pulls out --> Mollies seize the day and blow the miners and everybody else back to stoneage with a dirty bomb, heavily polluting the system and thus pissing off the Gaians in the process --> Junkers/Zoners/ALG move in with some sort of base (either junker or zoner) far away from the mining areas and BMM try to maintain their operations (working at their own risk with no BAF backup) out of a crippled Graves Station.
That's my solution, as you will maintain the mining (but making it more difficult for the miner) and relieve the BAF of having to work around the clock to protect lolwut miners. And if you think it is unlikely or even crazy that a Molly would blow up his/her own system, remember this is the people who invented the leprechaun...
As Dab has said countless times, no. There is no reason to do this to a vanilla system and RP-wise the BAF would be very unlikely to endanger both their primary source of state income as well as piss off a corporation with a Royal Charter.