Rassid listened, all the while staring straight into the recruits eyes - unmoving, unflinching. Each calm breath was the only sign that the hulking military man was anything but a statue.
He took a sip from his coffee when the recruit began to divulge his sob story. People who usually came to the Coalition had one. It gave them some manner of justification for wanting to fight and kill people, all for a cause they were not born into. It makes the killing easier, which is just the biggest lie anyone can tell themselves. Killing only becomes easy when you stop caring about human life.
Calmly, still keeping eye contact, he set down his coffee cup, and reached on to the table. Kirov's Zenith 10mm automatic. He took the weapon into his hands, pulled back the slide to check if it was loaded - it was, with a chambered round. The action of the slide was clean, but he felt some grit in the motion - his teeth clenched - obviously someone was spending too much time adjusting her bra then cleaning her firearm.
He let the slide snap back into place with a loud piercing clack. With a click, he disengaged the safety. Real soldiers always know...the only real safety is the mind. With that, he set the weapon back on the table, and continued staring down the recruit.