Dave had a very special evening, because of the new friends he found, and because of a more special person he encountered. Before leaving the beautiful Neith, he went to Eriksson.
"It was a very special evening to me Eriksson, and thank you again for inviting me. I even found someone *looks to Ellie*... that I started to care more and more... After 9 years of intense research, I found this young beautiful lady... on a place that I never thought to be. And now.. It's time for me to say goodbye, my good friend. Use the "old lady" in a good manner, treat her well, now that it has Cerberus masterpiece technology. And ... a last request, on the observation deck, there is that exotic flower bouquet. Please take it to Ellie after I leave, with this "From someone with a spark of love and appreciation."
He smiled then he went to Ellie and said to her.
"It was a very special evening for me Ellie, your company was lovelier then I could expect. To be honest I never thought I would find someone like you over here. I like you very much my sweet and beautiful lady. You managed to take out the veil from my eyes, and see that, some things need to be fully enjoyed even if we have bigger problems than we can get on our shoulders."
Rudimentary creatures of blood and flesh, you touch my mind, fumbling in ignorance, incapable of understanding. - Sovereign