' Wrote:Well, it indeed looks extremly weird when Valor gets stopped by an ice asteroid that's as big as a fighter's gun and is barely visible unless it's few meters away from you and you're in first person.
Alternatively, we could enable collision damage with roids. High mass vs high mass collisions means lots and lots of damage. The non-shield kind. If you want realism that is. But I suspect you're just after making your bigbadbattleship behave much like a fighter does.
Newsflash. It's not a fighter. It doesn't do well in roid fields. It's not intended to do well in roidfields. Keep them in the lanes, or in asteroid exclusion zones. Capital ship battles are geared towards open space.
[Edit] Or get a nimble destroyer if you're that desperate to do capital ship activity in roidfields. The Storta isn't half bad in terms of maneuvering.
' Wrote:I think adding passages through certain asteroid fields would be awesome. Really, caps aren't supposed to stuck on their way to Corsica base or omicron-Eta jump hole in omicron-85, for example.
This is something that could be looked into. Many fields already have this set up - a small clear path 400m wide towards the nearest base. Not hard to do.
Wide awake in a world that sleeps, enduring thoughts, enduring scenes. The knowledge of what is yet to come.
From a time when all seems lost, from a dead man to a world, without restraint, unafraid and free.
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