and (this part will probably make ye kill me *laughs) try two crosses on it: one example with the GL1028 and one example with the GL1029, id also like you to try those two crosses on the original example)
to make it worth your time and effort: my demands are a bit on the high side, so shall be your reward -> 35 mill if i like one of those 4 examples.
A Psalm out of the outcast history books.
The dons are our shepherds; I shall not want. They make us live with a cause; They lead us trough the still vasts of space. They restore our souls; They lead us in the paths of righteousness For The Orange Dream. Yai, though we fly through the valley of the shadow of death, we will fear no evil; For the Spirits are with us; Your leadership and Your cardamine, they comfort us. You prepare a safe home for us in the presence of our enemies; Surely goodness and mercy shall follow us All the days of our life; And we will dwell in the house of the outcasts Forever