Patrician... You Brand? Sorry mate all these names mixed with char names gets a little much.
Anyways, I feel you mistook me. We dislike raids, they are a waste of time, as well as blockading Java. We do not miss your events. We do not under appreciate your RP advances. We are just sick of being the only ones outside malta when capspam comes and have to deal with all the indies yelling "what we do?!?! where are 101st!?"
All I have to say is that a little support once in a while would be nice, and not chenzo running around with his defilers shouting out orders like a madman kplzthnks.
Oh and I don't think I thanked you enough for all the help and guidance you gave me when i was first starting out... And if I didn't pay any of those loans up I'm good for it now;)
Also tbh, I am more inactive than active nowadays. I am just voicing this because of the insane amount of complaints from other clanmembers I am seeing.
College=Life ';==(>.<
Member of RL since 1991, Freelancer since 2003, XTF since 2009 Pythios -- Bio/Char Page