I agree Mr Payne, your analysis of the lack of Role Play is true. I indeed would love to see a Role Playing Molly, as it would indeed be refreshing. However I concur, as a LPI officer I always try to Role Play before attacking another vessel, something which is totally amiss. Before engaging a criminal, I always try to maintain in several minutes in stating (for example only) "Halt your vessel immediately!", "You are breaching Liberty Law pilot, please heed!", "If you do not disengage I will engage" and then "I am engaging your vessel for <x><y><z>".
What response do you get for doing that? If its not a pure "Get Lost", its by getting attacked without any substantive RP. Correct I should report every case of Non-RP engagements, but indeed 80% of people that I have engaged that were PvP criminals/no-do-wellers would be in that category. On that fact though, I could imagine how great a Rheinland v Liberty massive battle with Cap ships and the lot would be, however in reality thats nearly impossible unless there is such a tight rigid control of those factions that noone would open fire without any substantive RP. I was once involved in protecting Texas from a RN invasion and I can tell you straight away when trying to RP, I got shot down :rolleyes:I've become to expect it really, nothing more and nothing less. That is why I have revered in my character to use presets to first see if that vessel will RP or not.
In terms of Molly's I do think you're one good RP'ing Molly out of few. I was trading Gold last night from Dublin to Fort Bush with my trading vessel (Non-LPI tag so don't worry:P). Yes it might be illegal to the Molly organisation to export gold. However, I found a Molly pirating me for all my gold, or 'he will destroy me' because 'I'm helping the crown'. On trying to RP about why he stopped me, what policy is it, that I am a poor trader trying to make some money, and continuing to RP, all I got from this Molly in official Molly Player Faction tags was "Drop your cargo now or I'll 'keel' you". I mean, great I would drop it for some good RP, or even pay a few million in reward, but not just from sheer ignorance. I got destroyed because my RP got me nowhere and he clearly had no interest in RP, just to destroy my vessel and/or pirate the gold. It seems he was clearly satisfied with that because he docked in Dublin and disappeared: Must've been his 'fun' for the day. Point of call is that this is exemplary of the issue you talk about.
Point being in that example was it is clearly a matter of the individual, regardless of what faction he is in. LPI, LN, Molly, Nomad, RN, name the faction you have the same individuals who do not follow rule one at all, nor the essence of 'Role Play', not in the fact that you need to write a story everytime you engage, but just following your character's story and faction's stance on issues/situations/etc. Hence in essence, it is not an issue of Faction A having problem B, but individuals A, B, C, D and E not doing what individuals F, G, H and I do. For that to change, there needs to be a 'mindshift'
It is from this though that you can only act your best and lead by example, and RP regardless of no return because at the end of the day if you encourage such actions, its inevitable others will follow that good lead. I enjoy RP'ing even if my vessel gets destroyed or if I lose money, I enjoy combat all the same but I think that if enough people take a positive stance it will in the end have an impact in itself:)