' Wrote:Dude, you're more stubborn than an RL friend of mine, and she's stubborn as hell.
Thanks, I try:P
Quote:If LFs are SO USELESS, go make a poll asking to get rid of them.
They're not useless, and they're getting buffed in .86. They work great for a strategy that involves throwing superior manpower at a problem, which is fine when that's available.
Quote:And really, does Teamwork mean nothing anymore?
Take your VHF and try and outmanuver the 22nd. BHG Sea Serpent LF users.
And I've,seen a Libby pilot fight three Outcasts at once.
Dont give me that LFs are a sure way to die.
Teamwork's all fine and dandy, but as I already pointed out:
' Wrote:Typically when I'm online, there aren't any other LPI on, so that plan wouldn't really work for my typical playtimes.
Since I end up being on late at night when server pop is fairly low, and there aren't any others online, "teamwork" isn't a viable thing for me to rely on. The LPI's ship restrictions don't reflect that you can't always have two or three people flying around in formation on patrol and that individual officers should be able to be useful on their own.
I'd like to think that I have pretty decent RP and am a step above "ur cargo is ilegal drp plz" or whatever. I've been invited to apply to the LPI official faction by a couple different members I've worked with in-game, and I think it might be kind of interesting to try out the "official faction" thing for once since that's one aspect of Disco that I haven't explored yet. However, as long as the LPI is restricting people to light fighters, it's not going to happen.
That's really all I'm saying--it's a personal preference on my part, but the restrictions the LPI are imposing don't really make sense to me, and that's the main thing preventing me from signing up for the official faction--official factions should enable members to expand their roleplay, not limit it. Seems like kind of a lame thing standing in the way of joining, I guess, but there you have it.