I'd like to revamp my characters design, signature, and get one of those nice looking transmission bars for each of them, so it'll be clearer who is talking.
Here it is for the 4 transmissions :
First character is Capt JhC, flying a lux liner the JhC Pacificator. No picture of his face is to be shown, ever. He is a very delicate man, what could be an aristocrate. He lives permenantly aboard the Pacificator, the Lx Liner. I would like some "noble" colors and material for him, not something too futuristic. He is a bit aged, on his late 50's.
Second character is Capt Baptiste, flying a BWT, the JhC Unpacified. He is serious, a bit too much. He is an independant trader known to be supplying Sairs, Gallian, Zoners...The colors and materials can be similar than those used for JhC.
Third Char is Enron, a junker flying a Slave liner, the JhC Ithaque. He is far less noble and delicate than the first two. A bit more rough. A difference is to be seen between him and the 2 others. He mostly use his vessels suppliyng Junker bases, Gaians, Outcast and most of the unlawfull buggers between bretonia, liberty and reinhland. In the Junker way you could say.
Fourth is Capt Alban, flying a Barge. This one will have to be a bit special, giving the type of the ship he is flying.
These 4 trans bars are to be displayed at the beguinning of the com, of course. Not too big, but feel free if you get inspired.
The signature is to be one only. It'll be good if the 4 vessels are shown with their names, for the rest, feel free.
You can get a bit of background for the 3 first captains on my actual signature link. It isn't much, but it gives the ambiance.
Please ask if you need more guidance, or don't if you feel inspired.
I'll pay 30 Mil per item, so 4 Transmissions and one signature will be 150.
May Abu d'Dhur, father of the immaterial roads, be favoralble to us and those that supports us.