' Wrote:In terms of indies well, you can't stop them:)They do what they want to do, and they'll use VHF because well, most 'criminals' use VHF's. Eye for an Eye. If there were lots of 'criminals' or players using LF's, it may be a different story. But eh, situation is like that now where 90% are in VHF's, and so indies want to be.
You make it sound as if it's strange that people want to start off on an even footing.
Quote:Would it not make sense if in real life, just to use an analogy, that Police were using tanks instead of say, a Commodore? Uh Yes:)Not to mention it would 'intimidate' people around. If you observe the FL universe, most police are actually in patriots. The only 'LPI' that aren't is in Illinois, where you have Liberators.
In the FL world, VHFs are the standard. They're the sedans of Freelancer. It's not unusual at all to see them flying around. The argument that a police officer in a VHF would be like a real-life tank driving around doesn't make any sense, because a police officer in a VHF is just driving what everyone else is driving.
Quote:Again there is a reason for that. LPI is a police organisation, meant for 'policing' not destroying. Thats what the Navy is for. We police, apprehend, fine and do what police do. If we could arrest and imprison people it'd be even better:D(ATTICA FOR YOU ALL ^_^)
It's kind of hard to "apprehend" and "fine" people if you can't back up your talk with a little firepower. Part of "policing" is being able to stop bad guys. Given the inability to disable ships in Freelancer, "stopping bad guys" = "destroying them." Destroying a bad guy means that you've kept that system safe from him for the next four hours, which seems like a fairly important thing for police to be able to do.
If I were on my trader and a pirate tried to stop me in a LF, I'd laugh at him and go on my way. Same would go for a police in an LF if I were smuggling. When I talked to you in game about this, you mentioned that you'd just have the person added to the "known criminals" list since you wouldn't be able to do anything to him. I feel like that's kind of a cop-out, relying on an out-of-game mechanic (FR5) to make up for inability to actually enforce the law in-game.
I mean, imagine saying: "Oh, yeah, that slaver refused to stop and release his slaves, so I had to let him go since I couldn't do anything to him and there was no backup available. I'll just make sure he has a hard time getting through Liberty next time. What about the four thousand slaves in his hold, you ask? Well, sucks to be them, I guess."
Compare that to the situation if you're in a VHF: "Yeah, ran into a slaver who refused to release his slaves, so I liberated them and had a passing liner rescue them and take them to the nearest planet."
Which of those two scenarios is the sort of thing you'd want to hear from a police officer?
Quote:An example of our role is yesterday where I was in a 2 hour and 30 minute battle with criminals in a Liberator, whilst waiting for backup. It is hard to shoot, and yes your weapons won't get far against something like a Sabre, but it does pack a punch. I at least got down a Sabre's shields and a bit of its hull - that to me is great.
Getting down its shields and "a bit of its hull" in two and a half hours isn't "great," it's "terrible." If anything, your anecdote is proof that police should be in something a little more powerful, since you didn't get any backup at all in two and a half hours. If you're going to be on your own, you ought to be able to take care of minor issues like a Sabre on your own, rather than spending two hours waiting for backup that never came.
Quote:The thing is that factions like LPI need to have variation. It would be a boring Liberty if all the law enforcement used Guardian VHF's and what not.
What's boring is spending two hours fighting the same guy (and fighting doesn't really give much chance for RP) when instead you could be having a series of rich and involved encounters with multiple people after spending ten minutes taking out that first guy.
There's plenty of room for variation in VHFs for LPI without needing to gimp yourself to inferior ship classes. Eagles, Guardians, a few other civilian varieties--each offer varying levels of maneuverability and strength to suit whatever playstyle you want. The Eagle, for example, is only something like 12% less maneuverable than the Liberator, but can easily pack twice the firepower with the right loadout, not to mention the improved shield and armor.
Quote:The essence of any fleet in the actual RP universe has a large contingent of light fighters. Unfortunately, for most pilots they ignore that and don't want to touch a Light Fighter because 'they outgunned and they'll die'. That is why the majority of players like to join a secondary fleet organisation like LNS, because they can do whatever they like. Hence that mindset of "oh no I'm going to get killed" has to change to: "Hey I had fun RP'ing and attempting to take down those criminals" for people to enjoy being police in patrol. SWAT is a different matter as there are VHF's there but as such.
Leave the "large contingent of light fighters" to the NPCs--I want to actually be useful.
You can RP just as well in a VHF as in an LF. Once the shooting starts, RP is pretty much over with, because if you try to type you'll die. Thus, if you want more RP, you need to spend less time fighting, and that means actually being able to finish a fight in your favor rather than just spending two hours losing.
Quote:In terms of police powers well, police factions are still lacking membership even though we have 'TLAGSNET'. How many LPI- are on at one time? Maximum atm is about 2-3. Most of the time, its 1 or none. How many BPA are on? How many Rheinland Polizei are on? These are all questions you all know the answer for. A tracking system doesn't mean suddenly everybody wants to be a cop;)The system requires somebody pretty experienced in it like I to sift through the information and such to find wth is actually happening. People will never appreciate being part of a policing organisation unless they change the way they think, which is impossible. Point being, any new stuff we got has not suddenly made it unfair with swarming numbers of Police. I think thats pretty evident, and one only has to look around when online to see that.
The other houses are at a disadvantage here because of how little goes on. At least in Liberty stuff is always happening. Bretonia...notsomuch.
And if police factions are still lacking membership and still at a disadvantage...how about eliminating one of those disadvantages and actually allowing officers to stand on equal footing to pirates and other unlawfuls? As I've already mentioned in this thread, the "use a light fighter because we don't like winning lol" thing is pretty much the only thing stopping me from joining the LPI official faction at this point.