Address:My Spatial - E78-12 Civilian Deep Space Explorer,No home address registered
Nationality: Bretonian
Qualifications (Educational): None held
Qualifications (Vocational):
Relevant Experience: Convoy protection and security,Deep Space Exploration,Base and system Defense,covert military operations,Seek and destruction of pirates and outcasts,
Employment History:Freelance exploration ,I have a vast experience in covert military operations ex employer's can not be disclosed due to security and safety reasons basically i can blow s**t up and stop ships from blowing your transports up
Additional Information (continue on additional sheets as necessary):I have traveled round the most of sirius and traveled deep in to Gallia,Edge Worlds, Corsair/Outcast, Nomad Sectors and Border Worlds and have mapped out the location to over 130 jump holes and have visited well over 100 systems
Do you have a criminal record? If yes, provide details below:No criminal record
Have you ever been accused of sexual harassment? If yes, provide details below:No complaints so far