Doriano turned his head briefly, looking at the hole in the wall. Now he was amused, his voice returning to its original tone; quiet and deliberate.
"Ladies, there will be order here, that is final. Miss Murray, while an answer to a rhetorical question is always obvious, it is not our way to toss our comrades to the wolves, remember that. Olga, your short temper will be the death of you. This is a military, the fighter corps of the Coalition. Do you truly expect me to shelter an orphaned girl with most likely not combat experience and the inability to even hold her temper?
And Miss Murray, your lack of loyalty to your potential colleagues is quite worrisome. How do we know you can be trusted when you so quickly turn on someone you do not even know? You could have easily, and unknowingly robbed the Coalition of one of its greatest future assets without even knowing it."