"Si," Alvarez said, turning his head to look at the younger man. "The Revolution doesn't have to be about guns, tanks and bombs. It is about the heart, si? It is about the passion to do what is right. The Coalition isn't the evil empire those out there tell you it should be. No, no... we are not looking for revenge driven monsters crying out for bloody vengence and seeing the Coalition as a tool for that... No mi Hermano, we are looking for revolutionaries. Those who can fight with word and deed as hard as they would with a ship... This is the number one reason so many idiota lie dead in the recruitment office. They fail to grasp the fact that we are looking for intellectual officers, leaders of men... not blind sheep. Of those there are plenty."
Alvarez gestured to a junior officer, who brought him a mug of coffee, sitting cradling it in his hands he tilted his head to one side, watching the vastness of space through the windows.
"Katz is a good example of how the Coalition has evolved post-McIntosh, the old guard are gone now, replaced with a new breed of Revolutionary. I wonder, mi hermano, are you ready for that Red Dawn?"