*Bret smiles as he starts to see many of the familiar faces that he's had the pleasure of meeting, letting out a bit of a laugh as he watches Daniel and Veris have a bit of a fight...He takes pride in the fact of watching Vixen showing off Licentia to everyone, hoping that more will come to be at this place...He takes a moment as he notices an older gentlemen come in through the doors* Bret: Jim?...You actually made it...Come on over.. *As Bret makes his way to him, Feya and Evyn sit quietly at the bar, one holding a drink the other a plate of food* Feya: You know.. *munch munch*..I'm surprised at all the people here so far..Hey!...Maybe you'll finally meet a man sis... *Evyn glares at her a moment before taking another sip of wine* Feya: Or maaaaaybe not....
-"If we do not learn at least one thing a day....Our minds turn to stupor"- Kyle Sparrgrove -2005