Evangeline strolls down one of the many unremarkable hallways of Freeport One, searching for the reason she'd brought herself and her family to the isolated facility. She had bothered to wear something nice for the occasion and had even gone to the effort of not carrying a firearm on her person. She directed her exploration to the bar of the station and upon entering it was immediately greeted by all the familiar faces she'd been expecting to see beside an assortment of apparent strangers - or were they people she'd forgotten about?
She mumbled to herself, her voice legible only to someone within a very short distance.
Who have we got...
Her eyes scan around the room, some people aware of her presence, others not. She picks up a familiar and fond target - Vixen Meeya - with an infant in her arms, seemingly talking to a man who _wasn't_ her husband.
Continuing her scan she does eventually find Vixen's lesser half - shamelessly flirting with a pair of girls who appear to be very much identical at the bar.
How can she let him get away with that right in front of her...
Continued observation uncovers a few more unidentified people whom Evangeline disregards as "friends of friends".
Evangeline deftly wanders over to Vixen, quickly becoming aware she had escaped her target's attention. With the deftness and silence of a true cat burglar she sneaks up behind the unsuspecting woman and gives her tail a gentle yank, much to the astonished disbelief of the man in front of her - who would have borne witness to the entire thing.