Christina brought her arrow class ship in line with the CPW-Trotski, Her arrow was damaged quite badly, and she was too afraid to crash into the Trotski with her ship, she launched her escape pod "There is no returning now".
Natalya brought her escape pod into the landing bay, exited it, and saw how the crew man take it, a quite big man looked at her: "We can always use more escape pods" and went on.
Christina went to the recruitment office, set near the door taking a rest before going in. She had a small file with her, from her previous jobs, just incase someone would care. she went over the files again, after she was sure that they were organised, she entered the room, she gave a small look at it, from the enterance before entering, as she sat down, she knew that her files won't be needed. "Uhem, Hello, I...ammm.. *she took a deep breath*Christina Cohen, I am here to serve the idiology."