The engine gave a light splutter. The thruster failed and the ship began to glide in open space. "Bloody thing" he muttered. Leroy Baker violently kicked the ship,
slightly breaking the plastic cover of the dashboard. The engine argued with the thruster and it lazily started up again.The CPW-Trotsky was just ahead, Leroy took one final massive draw from his cigarette, he quickly put it out on the broken dashboard as he slowly began to dock with the CPW-Trotsky. He was half worried that the ships engines would fail mid-dock and cause quite an explosion.
When he successfully docked he wasn't quite sure to be grateful or not that he was alive and well on a Coalition ship. He had heard many rumors about the notoriously selective recruitment procedure.
After he clambered his way out from the metal mess he called a ship, He begrudgingly trudged his way over to the waiting room. Never had a room been so well named, he thought, as he began the longest wait of his already rather long life.