Jim looked at eva direction a second time then back to the congresswoman.
"Pretty sure its her.. bret would definitely know, though I recognize brets crew and Vixen."
he though a moment.. about rick.. pelt..
"Pelt.. is a scrappy character.. likes getting into fights.. got into a few he started and i was unfortunate enough to finish.. not fond of that whipper snapper behavior so id advise you... to form your own opinions about people first hand. At least in regards to Eva.. granted shes not in some personal crisis.. you might actually meet her as a person.. instead her reputation."
Jim was wishing he had something to drink about now...
"Me personally? She treats me well and I treat her well. So I have a dilemma when i hear other things from fellow congressmen... personally I keep to my routes keep an eye on my investments.. And most importantly make sure my patients are tended to. Like Bret."