TO: Liberty Goverment, Liberty Court Chief
From: Nuuskamuikkunen
Subject: establishment of the civil lawsuit, against LN, LSF.
Date: 08.05
As a Citizen of Republic of Liberty, I'd like to invoke to civilian right of fair lawsuit.
My rights as a Free Man of Republic of Liberty was violated, by put in danger my life and health,
by destroy of my property and put cause a loss of money, by refusal to give equitable compensation.
My defendants are:
- Caitlyn Wright and Virginia Brinson, Liberty Security Force Agents
for exposure to my health and life at risk ,destroy of my property and act in great prejudice.
- LNS_Captain._ini_[NL] and LNS-Albania, Liberty Navy Capitans
for exposure to my health and life at risk ,destroy of my property and act in great prejudice.
- Admiral Jack Malrone
for refusal to give equitable compensation for my losses.