Madison Square
Long Island District
Manhattan City
Planet Manhattan, New York
Mr Nuuskamuikkunen.
Firstly, we'll be dropping the FUI fine as you have already paid them. The other fines will remain.
Secondly, using the evidence you've provided, racism and prejudice was not a factor in this. As has been stated numerous times, the agents have clearly destroyed your vessel as you failed to cooperate. You were flying a military grade vessel with weapons while drunk. You were a threat to the agent's and the general public's lives, and therefore the agents acted accordingly.
You first directed a transmission to the Liberty Government and the Liberty Court Chief, and only those two recipients. This transmission automatically falls under the law and is protected by Government laws. Your representatve accessed this transmission without either yours or our permission, and thus is being charged with hacking a Government frequency.
And you're right, this wasn't a trial. You asked for a civil trial to be established, and we unanimously decided that this isn't a supreme court issue. Plus the evidence you have provided to the lawful forces only incriminates yourself; it shows no wrong doing by the agents.
Honorable Fredd Durst
Chief Justice
New York