Even though my ability to participate in the event was interrupted several times by my work as a taxi driver, I did enjoy the parts that I did experience.
Note that Xoria has already paid $5,000,000 to my character, Juan_Williams.
Unicorn: You gave me a good scare with your character, [KNF]Uyeshiba.
As Juan_Williams, I had picked up 321 synthetic marijuana at Luxury Liner Hawaii, meant to represent samples from Planet Cambridge. Planning to rendezvous with the convoy, I had passed through Kusari space keeping one step ahead of the NPC patrols when I saw [KNF]Uyeshiba at Nago Station in Tau-29. I scanned him, as I headed to the next trade lane. He must have scanned me (and noticed my contraband), because just before I entered the trade lane, I got the message "Stop Juan." He sent the same message again before I could get into the next trade lane, but he never got close enough to fire a clear shot. However, he did chase me until I was close to the Leeds jump gate in Tau-31 where I saw {JM}-Xoria. I was supposed to transfer the synthetic marijuana to the Junkers, but [KNF]Uyeshiba had me sweating bullets and in panic mode. :crazy:
I quickly jumped into Leeds, thinking that I was safe, then I got to Stokes Mining Station where I saw the SF fleet (one of which was red to me, because he had a BAF Guard tag). Luckily, the SF didn't pay attention to the Junker going by in panic mode!:wacko: