It is always unfortunate to hit with a object on the forehead by your interviewer when applying for anything. It is doubly unfortunate for the object in question, a stapler, to then get caught in the skin of your forehead during an interview. Leroy was doubly unfortunate.
"Well sir,..." He grunted as he struggled to pull the stapler that had happily nested itself on his forehead out.
"I'm here because .." He succeeded in pulling it out, however, now he was bleeding slightly "..I broke free of my ignorance, It hit me rather hard. My entire view on life was turned upside down. The system i was so entrenched in, that I so believed in started to break me, corrupt me. It made no sense that this perpetual greed machine was running in every star system in Sirus. I searched for an alternative, someone somewhere had to also have the brains to know this, and to do something about it....that's when i found various Earth-history books with Marxism, then Talinism, the glory of Communism that lead me to SCRA, people I belive are doing what's right for Sirus.