Koniev's cold hard stare was starting to break Nancy a bit. His lips were dry, his heart rate was booming, and his hands, sweaty and shaky were grasped tightly behind his back. He knew what he wanted to say, but his body was having second thoughts about helping him, rightly so, Leroy was putting it under a lot of stress.
"Ah...I..." spluttered Nancy
"..I...believe that the Fighter Corps risk themselves for many reasons, all of which are important, commissar.." said Leroy. He knew if he could get into the flow of speech, things would get much easier for him.
"...They risk their life for the greater good of the common man, a fight for a far superior governing system. They risk themselves so that the factory worker may live fairly and untouched by the claws of more greedy and powerful men, merely because they were unlucky to be born without that power and status...b..back on liberty I would so easily ruin the life of my workers for mere profit, for mere personal gain, to stuff the fat pockets of me and my peers. That blind ignorance that they..that I followed. Those people need to be woken up so they can see clearly.