Izzy says back softly "More than anyone knows..." She takes her necklace out from her shirt and clutches it. "We've known each other for years." She looks between Feya and Agatha, a small smile escaping as she watched Jeremy turn a shade of scarlet at Agatha. Izzy glanced at Rika, who was playing on her little computer, having failed at rescuing Jeremy.. "He has made one blunder, but...it wadn't his fault. And I can never get mad at him..." She sighed. "Honestly...I'm glad his alcohol tolerance is absurd..."
Jeremy tried to get rid of the scarlet, and succeeded in dulling it to a pink/red.
"N-no, no court martials...um...Evyn? Help...please?"
Jeremy find his escape blocked by either people, Feya, or the drunk Agatha.