@Everyone: I've heard that the BS rule is "one BS per account". If "account" means "individual FLAM account", it seems a bit arbitrary and ridiculous. I think clarification is needed on the meaning of account, which also brings us back to the "no more than 2 system owning factions per account" debate we had a bit back. If the account rule is that arbitrary thing, it only works if we prohibit FLAM use.
To the best of my recollection (hopefully not tainted by Grayface or cabbages), the following Nomads exist on Discovery Freelancer RP 24/7.
Taurvi & Harbinger; Familiar to most people, well RPed.
Blitz; Semi regular flier, attacked Freeport 11, well RPed.
Starvation; Regular flier, well RPed
Magootachi; Nomad/Human hybrid, shoots NPC Nomads supposedly for RP purposes of collecting Nomad and Corsair pilot in hold
Experiment-009-Omicron; Escaped CRI experiment, still Nomad-like, views humans as its master along with Dom Kavash, hostile to all others. RP is implausible, yet at least above average.
[???]-Eye; Nomad watcher, RP is terrible, due to defending FP 11 and not acting as a watcher.
OZN; God knows what, bad RP, sanctioned, gone.
I do not wish to offend anyone, but the primary reason people who RP Nomads are secretive about it is because there is a stigma of "PVP Whore, OORP" attached to it, and many of these people (some of which are well respected) don't want that reputation.
Heck, I don't want to ignite a big political debate, but it's a bit like homosexuality. If anyone knows of other Nomads, could you please speak up and contribute?
@Everyone else: There is no point in having battleship IDs, except to check for other BS IDs, and that's just circular reasoning. It works just as well to increase the price of the battleship, or to put capships on Guard bases, or to keep the licenses but move them all to the Lost Battlestar.