' Wrote:I am using Hussar ...but I used the Liberty one and Order one...both good
the thing with LFs is that they are preety similar and it all comes to shoot-and-run tactic or boxing someone...so yeah it's cool but if you are not good with fighters it might get hard especialy with nukes:D
Huh? No.
You slide. Slide like a 11 headed demon with 30 whips is behind you.
shoot-and-run might work if you use slow refires, but if you use fast refires - nope.
Anyway, libby is good so is Onuris, hussar is nice too. I find scimitar quite satisfying as well, though you might want to pick bayonet over it - same turning rate while bayonet has greater firepower.
Overall I suggest you try some of the faster HFs before moving to LFs, picking up with a bayonet would be a good call - you'll learn the LF tricks on the way.