Incoming Transmission
Encryption Level: Mr A Clark eyes only
CommID: Ms Julie Francis - Directors Personal Assistant Borderworlds exports (Bowex)
Message Target: Mr A Clark confidential, Planet Leeds
Message Source: Director of Operations Office - Scarborough Station: Newcastle
Subject: Your Application
Greetings Mr Clark
Dear Sir,
You application is in tip top condition except for it having reliable references however your name did come up in a report from flight instructor Peterson which remedy's that problem.
I am going to grant you a provisional place at Borderworlds Exports this place will be granted once you have completed a standard induction questionnaire that shows your theoretical competence while commanding a freighter or transport and the board is satisfactorily agreed upon you answers
However fear not for I am sure you will prove as intellectually competent as you are practical.
The questionnaire had been sent to you, Once again I bid you welcome Mr A Clark
Your sincerely
Ms J Francis
Personal Assistant to Director L Adama