' Wrote:Aforementioned FTU, Gotti, IND, USI, basically any trading faction that gathers enough manpower. Which is quite easy to find. FTU recruits players straight from Penny. And it's not how many exist that one should be concerned with, is how many more would be created for the sole purpose of creating a flagship. Coupled with the fact that most powertraders go for a Cau8 Anti Cap Battleship as soon as they get the money for it, what's keeping anyone from imagining CCCP-like factions taking on two, three factions at once.
'Smart usage of flagships' is offensive usage, rather than defensive. Ambushed by Flagship.
You call CCCP fun?
Well, only one way then.
Faction-specific flagships would be tied to ID. You only have one-two of these flagships per ID. One would be occupied by the official faction, and any remaining slot could be grabbed.