*Erich offers a slight smile as the video begins feeding*
Friends and Comrades, myself and Herr Iain Jamieson of Bretonia have found our ways through a lopsided battle into a stunning victory.
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I had run into Herr Feldwebel Martin Stamek while on my way to Bruchsal at the Westersede Dust Nebula, and he stopped me. We conversed for what seemed to be nearly half an hour, before it began to turn sour with such declarations as this one. Faced with this hostile prospect and with no other alternatives towards breaking them free of their Rheinhartische haze... Herr Jamieson and I commenced an attack on their vessels with the intent to destroy them.
I initially feared us outmatched by their somewhat heavier vessels, but we were still within the Westersede. In this harrowing dust nebula, we were at a decisive advantage. The Feldwebel's escort was the first to fall. Feldwebel Stamek himself regrettably had his vessel detonated by what I believe may have been a nuclear mine. Whatever it was, my guncam was jarred by the explosion and failed to register the Wraith's destruction, but all credit to that hit goes to Herr Jamieson.
Immediately prior to the Feldwebel's destruction, another vessel joined the battle on the Rheinswehr's end, piloting some fighter that I have never seen before. I leave it up to you to determine its origin.
The agile fighter lasted far longer than the comparatively ponderous Wraiths, its antimatter cannon clipping Herr Jamieson's vessel at one point. It could not best our combined might, and exploded as the others did.
We ventured back to Bruchsal afterwards for our well-earned rest, but of course not before tractoring in their life-pods and ejecting them towards the direction of Stulingen Moon. With any luck, it will enter orbit within the next several hours and carry them within view of Mainz, where they will hopefully reconsider their career decisions.
And with that, I bid you the best of luck. Continue fighting the good fight, mein fruenden. For freedom, social equality, and democracy!