' Wrote:I have heard rumours of the CBF, can I get more details? What would I need, where do you hang out in game?
Pretend I was a total greenhorn, know nothing. What would I have to prove to you to join?
First of all you will need to prove yourself as a capable agent before you are given access to any ship bigger then heavy fighter, Our actions vary and depends on our main goal during that time right now our goal is to accuire H-Fuel for our ships therefore we fight in sigma-13, we are also operating in other areas its all about the correct need, when there is none specific we simply go each fleet and wing in it to its operation area and accuire power. Now that power comes in many shapes - Fear of the locals, respect from other bigger factions, Fighting off the house navies and sometimes police forces too, all in order to help our idea to catch the houses place.
I think that DRV or Zigeris can explain better then me.