- Where do you live?
A small apartment in a slightly upscale area near the spaceport on Planet Cambridge. I can't quite afford the rent anymore.
- Where was your last place of employment? What experience do you have?
Cambridge Spaceport mechanic. I have some combat experience from my days as a turret gunner on a transport that frequented the Edge Worlds, and I've flown as an escort for a BMM convoy or two before quitting.
- To what division are you applying?
Ex/Sec. Actually, I heard about a hunting pack of Clydesdale freighters from a passing merchant of yours and that really appealed to me...
- Do you already own a ship? If so, what kind? If it is not listed above, can you afford one of the ones listed?
My last ship, a CSV was impounded by the BPA after some issue with the IFF led it to be associated with the Junker I bought it off of, who was wanted for smuggling synth into Bretonia, and once I got it back I sold it to cover the legal costs of not getting sent to the BPA Newgate. So I'm stuck on the ground for now.
I may be able to take out a loan to get a ship, but not to pay for the rent, sadly.
- If you are applying for the Shipping division, what would you name your ship? Why?
Not sure if this applies.
- Why are you interested in working for Border World Exports?
Well, to tell you the truth, there are two reasons. First and foremost, I would love to take to the stars once more. I miss traveling across Sirius- the beauty, the excitement, the money... Oh, and that brings me to reason #2: I am going to be kicked out of my apartment if I don't find a job soon.
- Tell us about yourselves, what are you dislikeskes etc (minimum of 100 words)
Well, I was born on Cambridge in 789 AS, and lived there for most of my life when not on some transport job. I actually do have a degree from the university, in engineering, though settling down for a "safe" job will be the death of me. Actually, I've never held down a job for long, except for a gun turret on an independent transport, but I had to quit that one because our captain kept making increasingly dangerous and illegal runs in the Edge Worlds. Heard a rumor that they were disabled by a radiation pulse of some sort and subsequently visited by a Corsair raiding party only a month after I left- they probably had cardamine in the hold, too.