You raise some valid point... but do me a favor and keep my name out of your mouth. So i had my first ever sanction that you had to obviously mention because you are Sombra the all mighty. How does me getting a 2 week forum ban for trolling AFC on the forums relate to my Nomads that i RP? It does not. I tire of you always having something negative to say about me. Ill say it again, keep my name out of your mouth. You dont go seeing me disrespecting you on the forums so dont do it to me.
Right, you reserve yourself that right on Skype and PMs ingame. Your general attitude has brought you a certain reputation, Kalh, and you really should refrain from venting your anger or boosting your ego based on insults or controversal behavior in general against other community members, because as member of any official faction, your actions will mirror the playerbase of your faction. Factions will always be judged by their members, and when two of five active members of an official faction are known for short fuse and throwing F-bombs around as if they wanted to win a war that way, it's simply poor show.
I hope you got that this time.
And you are known for making long drawn out novels that no one really likes to read, but to each their own. as stated please stop putting my name in your mouth. Thanks.
//edit: i wont comment after this as i have already disrespected Huggies Feedback... Take care. and please do remember what i am /asking/.
Yeah, negative feedback is most likely something nobody likes to read, because people suddenly realize they have potential to change to a more positive behavior. That pretty much includes you as well, thus you are one of the guys specifically mentioned in this feedback thread of the faction you are part of. You can deny it, but you could also try to be a better person in future instead of acting resistant to feedback. After all, you are the one who harasses and trolls people, spams PMs ingame when something isn't working the way you want it for your "RP" and now even tries to silence me. That is, however, not how feedback threads work, and when you decide to join a faction, you are pretty much targetable for feedback as a representative of that faction.
Not being a dick is pretty easy, Kalh. It's mostly well-thinking before acting.
Also, speak for yourself, because there are is a good amount of people you just called "no one".
Let me say I first thought my disappointment couldn't be bigger. I really thought that someone who offers his own feedback thread, who once was a major contribution to the mod for the nomad aspect and who is the leader of the K'hara and the Oracles, was able to take feedback. As you can see here, he can't. Huggie's Feedback Thread didn't get cleared, not locked but erased. Might be a good decision, given there is suddenly no need to deal with the negative contructive feedback in it, right? Coincidence, I saw that one coming and made back-ups of the relevant content. Not that there was much, as you pretty much ignored my second post there while telling Lerdi, Synk and Vendetta to move their conversation to somewhere else.
This all is however pretty much connected, and thus I will post this here, as your work for K'hara is affected as well. Changes is about to become two months old. And a week since my latest K'hara-related feedback. You know, the one you weskered with
(01-29-2017, 09:05 PM)HuggieSunrise Wrote: Your comments have been noted.
to not further have to deal with. That's how it looks like to me. Mind you, pointing out valid critic has caused a reaction within the community and even within your own members. I leave it to themselves to stand up publicly for that, but I received one PM from a current K'haran about me "hitting all the damn notes right on the damn mark", I flew ingame with one K'haran that disagrees with the current capital ship regulation of K'hara, as in the past people had to earn access to them, another guy who was in K'hara back in times when Nosferath was still there said "when i was in it, just a warning on forum got you into talk with nosferatu, nowadays, i see k'hara sanctions from time to time" and another K'hara member wrote me on Skype "I was going to explain to you the complexity of huggie and what he's trying to do but I've had to put up with too much shit today." Not even hours ago I wrote with a current K'hara member writing "Khara has nothing to do and people treat it badly" and "Finding a short and long term goal is harder, Theres no aim, No motivation, Or respect, Most ppl arent even active anywsy"[1]
And that's only the responses I got from K'hara members and ex-members. Now some people are calling me "overly judgemental" for pointing things out, but I feel like someone has to be the bad person to mention the unrest and disappointment about the current K'hara. And to be fair, most things can be dealt easily with, as you earlier mentioned you are on top of things and want to lead K'hara with a firm hand. Valid aspects have been pointed out. Transparency.Communication with the members about projects and plans.Communication with related factions and their members.Goals and motivations.Ability to take feedback.Capital ship regulations.A firm hand.Actually being on top of things.Making reasonable, not-rushed decisions.
You saw what the lack of transparency caused the last time to happen. People got mad at you and that was justified. You indicated to take guns from Laguna, but you secretly took guns from your own SRP - changing the SRP's loadout, by the way, without requesting permission as every other SRP player has to do - however not mentioning it anywhere inRP or ooRP until Foxglove asked you in the Oracle| chat on Skype. I'd still love to post those logs here, because it would show how you made a stupid, rushed decision, damaging one of the best roleplayers on the server just because he dared to question your shady deals. It'd show how you deal with your members that seriously put effort into filling gaps of roleplay, while you were butthurt because your ego was scratched, justified. The lack of transparency caused Foxglove to think you are acting inRP like a traitor, giving hybrid technology to nomad hunters, to arch enemies. The justified result of this was a threat to attack Oracles with Nomads and Wilds for the Oracles' treason. I would have made that decision myself as well, as well as other people would have done. You kicked Foxglove from Oracles and K'hara, because you can and because you couldn't handle the justified criticism. That's how you deal with people that raise valid points. You abuse the powers you have to get rid of them. Lucky for Foxglove, chances are good for the Vagrants to become official, even if it means we need to wait more weeks, if not months. So his investition into a Cap 8 Marduk wasn't a complete waste, the same with Operator and Hecate. Erato and Astarte can be roleplayed without a K'hara ID, as they are snubs, both with solid RP background. More than many other K'hara characters have.
However, you effectively ended/powergamed the roleplay of Genevieve Marie Mercier because of your decision. One of the most active, fleshed-out, authentic and useful characters the Oracles had in the recent months, as she was involved actively in many RPs, not only mine. If Foxglove hadn't had a bad day yesterday, that character was even an SRP carrier. It's a big shame for you to cause that massive impacts because you were unreasonably butthurt. You're a leader, not a dictator. Your luck there isn't anyone controlling you, apart from admins that yet didn't interfere, hoping we sort this out within the community ourselves without their intervention.
Even after pointing those things out last time, did you rethink your decision? I believe not, probably soothing yourself with backslappers that for some reason, probably bias, think that you made a good decision. You did, however, act like a child. You can do better. Reach out for Foxglove and Operator and talk with them. Both of them have their qualities, and if K'hara needs anything now, then it's quality.
And then do it right. Communication with your own members is necessary. Listen to their points of view, because as you have seen earlier in this post, your own members are not happy with K'hara as it is currently. Talk with them, find solutions. Show your firm hand. Show you are on top of things. Give K'hara it's structure back, because before you decided - on your own - to effectively kill the nomad speech. It was a wonderful concept, basically easy to do once you put an hour of effort learning it into it. Scourge wrote a perfect tutorial. LUCKILY, Nomad and K'hara players have managed to get it back. Kudos to them, as they stayed with something which was working and unifying. That is what K'hara needs. Structure. And I honestly think the Open Nomad Lore Project was predetermined to fail, as why would someone put effort into renewing something that is working? Yes, the lore might have it's gaps, but the way it was it gave K'hara structure, and it's better to have that than nothing. 2016 was definitely not a good year for the Nomads, as their integrity took heavy blows.
Communication with other factions is something you need as well. A perfect example of how it can be done is looking at hairy macho Pepe, Clavius, Thunderer, Sauron, Implosion and Durandal. They might have flaws, all of them, just as any other member of the community, but look at what they create in Bretonia and Liberty. People are coming to their events. They talk, they try to balance, they might get red-faced from time to time but they try to have more fun next time, especially the Bretonian playerbase is outstanding in this aspect. Talk with those guys on a honest, reasonable and polite base, and you sure will be able to make events and get some ideas for RP. When you see that only a very few people are interested in what is currently going on in K'hara, then you simply need to change things. Offer more instead of offer nothing. The most important thing here: Sandwich rule. Bad encounters inRP and ooRP will always be a thing. You can deny yourself all the fun by not facing people anymore, but all your powers as leader of two factions and SRP are nothing but smoke and mirrors if nobody cares about you, your plans and your factions.
And make sure your factions have goals. Short term, long term, optional. When a new faction is created, everyone has to put effort into it. Why would that be different with established factions? They should be a role model for what you can accomplish. Best example is the Lane Hackers, as they are doing everything the right way. Money is infinite in Freelancer, and not even a thing for nomads, so you need something else, something finite to motivate your players. Something to make them put effort into the thing, aside from their own projects. And don't tell me there is nothing to do for K'hara. The hell, you suddenly got an active Dyson Sphere. You got the Suncrusher there, and since Conrad never could have been arsed to finish that lore event, do it yourself and show everyone you can do it better. You have those cool generators in Unknown, you have the Azurite generator in Delta, the Jump Hole Inhibitor in Zeta, alien ruins all over sirius. There are people that are waiting for have their characters infected. There is the Commune, active again, willing to roleplay and fight for the Light. How often do you have an entire group devoting their roleplay to act as your servants inRP and carry out things ooRP? Major Kudos to Lerdi and his guys for that! That's unique, and I love how Nomak acts as an inferior to Unschuld. You have different Maltese groups to investigate. You have no ZoI, so you can go everywhere and investigate. You could do it like the Vagrants do: Update your knowledge on systems, factions, invividuals, planets, anomalies. What's the point of not having a ZoI when everything you do is logging Saturnia and other caps from time to time to go for cheap pews with badass tanks? Yeah, the Marduk is definitely the easiest to play cap, as you can't really dodge with it. It can take so much punch while dealing so much punch, you have a guarantee to make blues before you die. But that's not everything the Marduk is about. If I had one, or better the Irra, which is what I am aiming for in the Vagrants, hopefully with the new model then, I'dn't use it as a cheap pew-pew ship all the time. To me, when I was new, it was absolutely exciting to see a Nomad Capital that isn't engaging you instantly. I loved to see them outside the Nomicrons. And I didn't even mind it if they remained cloaked when people were just waiting to get the kill. Ish'tar in Cortez? Awesome. And I tell you why: It opened up so many, many RP opportunities. People have gathered for that, and as personal example, this interaction was pretty much the intro to the hostilities between my main char and Auxesia and the Lane Hackers. Kudos to Alley for that, logging her ship, knowing how it would end. It caused good things, though, as the server benefited from the sudden gathering and interaction. It's basically what Spazzy wishes to happen with his PvE events, when all kinds of factions are gathered up and then live in peace to get their stuff away.
As for the capital ships, I highly suggest to restrict their use again, so your people have something to look forward to get. You have the benefit of leading a faction that requires a membership to have access to those ships. I never understood how you simply can give out the Marduks like they are Steam Giveaways. You noticed yourself there is a horrible lack of roleplay within K'hara. Give your members something to award them, as Marduks are finite.
But even with all that, you have to work on your own behavior and attitude that you display publicly. You can shiet around on other people as much as you want behind closed doors, like everyone else does. But even then it should be contained within limits. The community is paved with members with individual flaws, and I am no exception on this, nor are Foxglove, Auzari, Kalh, Spazzy, Alley, Durandal, Omicron, not even Ramke, to throw in some random names of random status. But we all can work on improvement, on ourselves and on everyone else. The concept of feedback threads should keep that in mind, although we all know how Feedback Threads actually work in this community. People are personally offended and suddenly don't give a fruck about the raised points. However, I expect from anyone else nothing more than I expect from myself. Some people insinuate that I act like I was "the saint of RP", but that's nothing than insinuation. I reflect myself, what I write, who I offend, what I do ingame, what I do outgame on regular basis. I try to apply common sense whenever it is possible. I try to view things from different perspectives and looking at statements I made months ago, when I was fresh and green behind my ears, I have changed my mind on aspects as well. However, not because I am friends with someone more than then or being a turncoat, but because of valid arguments in simply complex and complicated topics. That is called reason and balance. And when someone has a significant position like you have, Huggie, I expect the ability to take feedback and not be a butthurt dictator that doesn't change anything unless the next higher instance is pressuring you. There is enough to report about all this. There is enough to question your ability and integrity to lead Oracles and K'hara. But I'm not a fan of sanctionlancer, and that really should be the last option. You should be able to use reason and balance, given you are an SRP carrier, leader of K'hara and Oracles and the one that has shown care for those factions in the past. Do that in the present as well as in the future, and everything should be fine.
(02-06-2017, 12:42 PM)Sombra Hookier Wrote: Is that all?
That's up to you. you make many points. you narrate history through your opinion without all the facts to vilify my changes in .. what is my domain.
I have seen this before I Don't believe i can say anything.. do anything to resolve these differences. But i respect you as a player and as a person that role plays for fun and enjoys their time here. of course until you come up against me. for that I am sorry. but there's nothing I can do. To remove that problem for you.
I dont see a point in countering your points. again your reaching to villify. i have no interest in fighting for my charicter as the people that count know me and stand by huggie as huggie does.
But i will make a point to agree with you ishtar's role play was amazing. but that's due to alley the only person i've ever ever trusted with the core of the nomad rp.
As far as I know she hasn't the time to fix problems here but.. DOES.. still sacrifice professional time to do so I wouldn't dream to be a further burden on her. Not in this not for my sake or even yours.
I have programing experience dev experience html5 css javascript javeprogramming json php blah blah.. i worked for major publishers and popular titles in the industry of pc gaming but... that doesn't seem to matter here. .. doesn't that seem odd to you?
like the devils in charge? or is it fear? ... i can't say for sure. I just find my life outside here satisfying. I understand disco what it is. .. but to.. type all that? . ive made the mistake before. made the mistake of caring a little too much and being a little too tilted to do the right things to solve it.
you can continue to use a hammer but i won't be receptive.
Why didn't you write this earlier? It's better than a soulless "Your comments have been noted". I don't want you to justify anything. I believe there isn't much that you could rightfully justify, given what the facts are. I wanted a reaction. I wanted to see you care for the feedback instead of ignoring or even making it vanish - like your personal feedback thread that is still linked in your forum signature. I want to see that you still care, and nothing else. My intention isn't drama itself. It would be the case if you would have continued that ignorant and arrogant behavior shown here. Sometimes, pressure from a part of the community and even from within is efficient.
And there are so many things you can do, and things that only you can do, as leader of both Oracles and K'hara. I mentioned the points in the earlier posts. I mentioned them concrete and precisely. The K'hara lore doesn't need to be restructured. The K'hara gameplay and the playerbase does, though. Easy changes. All you need is to be what you tried already with Changes. Firm hand. Let the people be in whatever faction they want to be, but make sure playing K'hara is something that you have to earn, not only once, but every month. That is your job as a leader. If you want to maintain the faction for the sake of maintaining it, you need to question yourself if it is the right thing to do. It's not like anyone will take it away that easily, and, as someone else raised the point via Skype, I doubt the Vagrants are an antagonistic faction. The faction is not meant to replace K'hara in any way. I personally would love to have Roleplay between both factions. Something that rarely happens thanks to the "Oh, you're a nomad, I'm a nomad, let's be nomads in a group together"-mentality. We are slowly managing to even have Vagrant-Wild encounters and that's how it was meant to be from the beginning.
If you felt threatened by that, I'm sorry, but, although I'm neither leader nor co-leader of the Vagrants, I can tell you that we rather wish to see cooperation than antagonisation.
There are things you and only you can do. Talking with Foxglove would be one thing I would ask you to do. If it's not to have him rejoin Oracles and K'hara, then it should be at least a final talk about how things are. Sorting out differences, as you wrote in Changes. Be a role model here.
(02-06-2017, 02:29 PM)Alley Wrote: Just so you know, I'm looking to get involved again in nomad matters once I can clear the backlog of critical things to do.
@Alley Your coming back as a Nomad ... I've seen videos on youtube of you as a Nomad, What I all suggest we start doing now is building New Sleeper Ships. Lol
(02-06-2017, 02:29 PM)Alley Wrote: Just so you know, I'm looking to get involved again in nomad matters once I can clear the backlog of critical things to do.