And I just realized the view from the front makes it look something from the borderworlds? Like the slanted wings with the piece in the middle coming up the side on the bottom?
Does that make sence?
ok, nevermind heh':)
7 guns, large size, good agility is the concept - the rest is balancing - but i m adding 8 gun hardpoints to be sure - it should be a rather heavy gunboat, cause the destroyer is supposed to be rare - and so is the carrier ... and the next largest ship after the bomber would be the battleship.
Sounds like a good idea. Also this could be sold on Toledo if the 3 caps are moved to 100 where they can be better restricted so hopefully what will attract people to this and we can avoid larger cap spam.
But I see myself using one of these for all my characters as a millenium falcon, or ebon hawk sort of ship. Something small that I can go anywhere in and use as a personnal transport that isn't as intimidating as the Osiris or small as the Nephthys.
Wish I could get an exclusive one just for this purpose for me but that's ok, everyone has their wishes hehe.
the huntress isn't an Order cruiser, it's rather generic, and some ships I guess can be made exclusive but you'd have to double check.
Also, the Corsairs have a gunboat and are getting the current once replaced I think, plus this is for the Order from the Zoners so there'd have to be an rp reason for a corsair to use it. But ofcourse things can change but this is how I see it at it's preliminary steps.
here is the skinned version - it was not planned, but i decided to use the BW skin. - its not very "orderish" but i ll dye it darker using the UTF editor. - the liberty skin simply wouldn t fit - and the BW skin offers some good matching parts.