*after being hauled in by some Outcast salvage Vessels Alexanders Fighter was sent too the Kariak Research Facility visible on the horizon from the behemoths Landing zone but Alexander had returned too Kritys Villa*
ugh Kristy can you remind me never too use a N4 Mine when im so close?
*he walks up too the Bar and takes a Bottle of rum*
He never truely understood the feeling he got when Damian was aroundhim, even when Mariella had tried to explain it to him but whatever it was he felt it now. Damian was here. He drew his katana and swung round and, like it was second nature to him parried Damian's strike. kristy quickly turned around and gasped, the other person looked identical to Jack, except his eyes werent the calm blue that Jacks were his were blood red. All of a sudden the 2 began dueling. Both lunging foward and parrying the others strikes. Both their skill with the blade were identical, neiother was getting the upper hand. Kristy wanted to help but the only way she could tell them apart was their eyes but they were moving so fast she couldnt see their eyes. The fierce fighting continued for a few more minutes before Jack lunged at Damian who done a backflip and landed on the balcony. This was the first time there had been a pause in the battle but it was all Kristy needed. She drew her side arm and squeezed the trigger. the shot hit Damian's shoulder and let out a yelp of pain before losing his balance and falling from the balcony. Both Kristy and Jack looked over the edge of the balcony but Damian's body wasnt at the bottom.He was gone. Kristy looked Jack. But the look on the face said enough. This had happened before Damian was still alive.
I know where it is Cortana, I just have to find it. - Commodore Puddles
Hey guys. I just came from a lockal bar. There was guite the shoot out but its all calmed down now.
Well i have been temporaerily promoted to General for an operation in November. Il be leading an atack force into Kusari and im looking for more pilots so if you whant to join me just holer. Untill then im only leaving to pick up my new Spyglass in the Omicrons.