Your name and surname: Robert Falcon Scott Age: 48 Region, House or Location of Origin: Plymoth, New London Any useful experience and qualifications: Two expeditions into distant corners of Tau-31 and Cortez titled as "Terra Nova" (805-806 A.S.) and "Discovery" (807 A.S.) were led by me. I also went through a 2 years training course of using mines and torpedoes at the vessel called HMS Vernon. Motivation for joining the Bretonia Armed Forces: I want to serve in military to protect my nation from invaders of Gallia. My goal is to expel all Gallic warships out of Bretonia space, and far away further if needed.
Short biography:
I was born at 784 A.S. in a small coastal city Plymoth at the planet New London. My father John Edward was a ship treasurer, he also had got a small beer brewing facility, after his retirement from work. My early education was set at the Stubbington House School. After that, I was transferred at an old ship "HMS Britannia" to prepare for entry exams in Military Space Academy, which I succesfully passed when I was 13.
After my department from "HMS Britannia" I went to serve on "HMS Rover". During my dislocation in Dublin, I met a person named Klement Markham, who at the time was a secretary of the Gateway, which was in search of talented young officers with the aim of recruiting them for discovery expeditions. I was invited to participate in the race tournament among our crew. And Markham, who was spectating this tournament, noticed a young winner, who was none other than I.
At the year of 803 I succesfully completed a course in a Royal Military Space college at Cambrige, promoting to the title of Junior Lieutenant. Then followed a 2-years training course of using mines and torpedoes, I was flying on a real bomber back then. During vacation at New London I'd accidentally met Markham for the second time, and he told me about new expedition in Tau-31 titled "Terra Nova", and suggested me to lead it. When he got my agreement, he insisted on me taking the whole management of the operation.
The second expedition "Discovery" was targeted at the edge of the Cortez ice nebulas. My crew was not able to make any military actions, so after a slack ambush of Liberty Rogues it was decided to head home. Expedition was no more.
My heart never really laid to discovering, but it took place in my life by accident. And now I wish to devote the rest of my life for serving in Bretonia Armed Forces. Given that I never was able to settle a solid family, I don't fear death anymore.
II. Knowledge Questions
Quote the Bretonia Armed Forces motto.
"Carina, Regina, Imperatrix!"
Who is the current fleet admiral of Queen Carina the First's Armed Forces?
Fleet Admiral Michelle O'Brian
What is the name of the Bretonia Armed Forces flagship?
Enumerate the primary factions Her Majesty's Armed Forces are currently at war with.
Gallic Royal Navy, Gallic Royal Police, Mollies, Corsairs and Gaians
If you painted something on your ship, what would it be?
A stormcloud with lightning
// ooRP section
How would you rate your RP skills from 1 to 10?
4 out of 10
How would you rate your PvP skills from 1 to 10?
5 out of 10
What is your Skype address?
Have you ever been sanctioned? If you have, what for?
Do you agree to always be fair, considerate of other players and not to take inRP hostilities with characters to an ooRP level?
I do.
What is your ooRP reason for joining the Bretonia Armed Forces?
Bretonia always looked solid to me.
Can you fund your ship and equipment? The BAF| can provide you with limited credits or equipment if you can not.
Yes I can.
And lastly, since you are interested in the BAF, maybe you would also like to join the Bretonia Police Authority, the Bretonia Mining and Manufacturing, Bowex or Gateway.
I have a trade Bowex vessel already, thus why not?
A pretty impressive set of experiences you bring with you. The Armed Forces can need men that not only know how to pull a trigger.
Should you pass the questioning you will recieve now I am sure you will be a fine addition to us even tho I hope your lack of fear is not aligned to a lack of will to live.
Admiral Jacob McIntire
Scott, Robert Falcon
Welcome aboard, ensign. You will be part of the York Fleet, report on her command deck at the earlyest convenience.
The Recruitment Officer paused, he though he heard something. He waited for a moment before the sound grew closer, a brisk 'tap tap tap tap' of footsteps coming down the long corridor. Looking up he saw a man approaching. Tall, Lithe with brown hair and hazel eyes. But one of the more striking features of this newcomer was his skin tone. He was ghostly white. The man approached and stopped a respectful distance away from the Officer's desk. The pair stared at one another for a while before a somewhat bewildered Recruiter spoke.
''I have been told that this is the place to go if one wants to Join the Bretonian Armed Forces'' the man spoke in a matter-of-fact tone.
''It is. Are you looking to Join?''
''Indeed I am.''
The recruiter leaned back into his chair, eyeing this new arrival with a trained glare.
''You don't look like much'' The officer said bluntly.
The man gave the briefest of smiles, ''Looks can be deceiving. And Bretonia needs everyone it can get. The general draft has been released, I am here to beat the crowds''
The officer pulled out a pen and a piece of paper, ''So, Volunteer then? or conscript?''
''What's your full name?''
''Albert Weber Steiner''
''Huh, you sound like a Rheinlander'' The recruiter said disapprovingly, remembering full well the trouble Rheinland caused a few years ago.
''My grandfather was from Dresden, But I am Bretonian. Born and raised.''
''Where in Bretonia specifically?''
''I see. Age?''
The recruiter looked up and studied the man who called himself Steiner. ''Bollocks, Your 28 at least.'' He said with a slight snarl.
''Stress does take its toll after a while. But I assure you, I am who I say I am.''
In no mood to question the man further, the recruitment officer turned back to writing down his details. ''Past experience?''
''Freelancing out in the Omega systems, occasional trading within Rheinland.''
''Alright, why do you want to join?''
''Two reasons. Firstly, the frogs Killed my brother, so its personal. Secondly, Bretonia is my home, I will not flee and hide while it burns. I will serve Queen Carina, and her successors faithfully and until my last breath. You have my word.''
The recruiter was somewhat taken aback by the strength of the mans words, But he could here that he was telling the truth. If his voice was lying, his eyes weren't.
Place of Birth/Current residence: Planet Cambridge, Cambridge System, Bretonia
Past experience: Freelancer in Omega systems and Tau systems.
Reasons for Joining: Bretonia has been and always will be my home. None shall dare take it.
Personal History: Born on planet Cambridge in 791 AS to William Steiner, Trauma Surgeon, and Isabella Steiner, Bretonian police. I completed my degree in sociology and Anthropology in 812 AS and have spent most of my time as a freelancer travelling to the distant regions of space studying people and their various cultures. As a result I have spent a great deal of time away from my home. To see it burn is.....Hard. I completed whatever business I needed to do and came straight back to sign up.
General Knowledge:
Quote the Bretonia Armed Forces motto.
"Carina, Regina, Imperatrix!"
Who is the current fleet admiral of Queen Carina the First's Armed Forces?
Fleet Admiral Michelle O'Brian
What is the name of the Bretonia Armed Forces flagship?
Enumerate the primary factions Her Majesty's Armed Forces are currently at war with.
Gallic Royal Navy, Gallic Royal Police, Mollies, Corsairs and Gaians
If you painted something on your ship, what would it be?
''Disciplina Fides Perservantia'' - Discipline, Faith, Perseverance
// ooRP section
How would you rate your RP skills from 1 to 10?
How would you rate your PvP skills from 1 to 10?
What is your Skype address?
Have you ever been sanctioned? If you have, what for?
Not that I am aware of, so no.
Do you agree to always be fair, considerate of other players and not to take inRP hostilities with characters to an ooRP level?
What is your ooRP reason for joining the Bretonia Armed Forces?
Bretonia has always been my favourite place to travel. Endless opportunities and great space views. Quite honestly, I think it's beautiful.
Can you fund your ship and equipment? The BAF| can provide you with limited credits or equipment if you can not.
Yes, shouldn't be a problem.
And lastly, since you are interested in the BAF, maybe you would also like to join the Bretonia Police Authority, the Bretonia Mining and Manufacturing, Bowex or Gateway.
I'll give it a try, sure why not.
To defend his home is one of the most noble tasks a man can pick. I think your experience in flying in the borderworlds will make it easier for you to do so. If you now pass the question that will be sent to you soon you can begin to strive for defending Bretonia.
Admiral Jacob McIntire
Steiner, Albert Weber
Your answer has been deemed good. You are expected to report on the HMS York as soon as possible.
Welcome in the Armed Forces.
I. Personal Information
Your name and surname: Richard Mace
Age: 22
Region, House or Location of Origin: Bretonia, Planet Cambridge
Any useful experience and qualifications: In addition to the ability to control the spaceship, I am also a consummate diplomat and philosopher
Motivation for joining the Bretonia Armed Forces: I want to be like my father, who was a Pilot of Bretonian Armored Forces. And I generally love space battles. I was inspired
Short biography:
I was born on the Planet Cambridge 22 years ago, in a family where I was the second child. We were a family of middle wealth , but usually we have enough money for everything that we needed. My father was a brave Lieutenant of Bretonian Armored Forces, has repeatedly proved himself in battles against Kusari, at the moment he retired. My mother was a lawyer in court and continues this work until now. I also have a brother named Mycroft. Currently he works at the embassy of Bretonia in Liberty.
In this family I lived quietly. I spent a lot of time with my brother, playing with him, but I was quite difficult to make contact with other children. Yet I was great in school, because of my intelligence has successfully completed it. By the way, I am well educated by parents, so I became a true gentleman and a patriot of Bretonia.
After school, I long did not know what to do next. I could not decide what I really liked. Sciences seemed to me boring, sport I didn't liked. A few months, I could not decide what to do further.
One day, when I sat and drank in the bar, with me sat a Major of Armored Forces. He was the best friend of my father, and knew him well. Major began to tell me about him, what a wonderful man and a pilot was my father and said that I should become like my father and join the Bretonian army. I ignored this advice and even rude to Major. In general, the results of the conversation, I just got out of the bar, the Major gave me time to think.
After returning home, I realized that I really must think about it. I wanted to be like my father, and thinking a little more, I realized that if I do not go to the army, what will I do in this life? I did not have any ideas for the future. The next day, I found the Major and said I was ready to join the Bretonian army. I even argued with the Major, that stand in the army more than a month. After that, I said goodbye to him and went to the recruiting office
II. Knowledge Questions
Quote the Bretonia Armed Forces motto.- "Carina, Regina, Imperatrix!"
Who is the current fleet admiral of Queen Carina the First's Armed Forces?- Admiral Michelle O'Brian
What is the name of the Bretonia Armed Forces flagship? - HMS-Pendragon
Enumerate the primary factions Her Majesty's Armed Forces are currently at war with. -Gallic Royal Navy, Gallic Royal Police , SCRA, Corsairs, Gaians and Mollys
If you painted something on your ship, what would it be? - I think it would be a lion from ancient legends of the Planet Earth
Attachment: Bretonian Charter of Interstellar Law
// ooRP section
How would you rate your RP skills from 1 to 10? - 7 , I think
How would you rate your PvP skills from 1 to 10? - 5-6
What is your Skype address? - Zeitpiraten
Have you ever been sanctioned? If you have, what for? - I have never been sanctioned
Do you agree to always be fair, considerate of other players and not to take inRP hostilities with characters to an ooRP level?- Of course, I agree it
What is your ooRP reason for joining the Bretonia Armed Forces? - I want RP for the citizen of the crown of Bretonia, who loves tea and which is a patriot of Bretonia. I am inspired by movies about Gentlmens and England
Can you fund your ship and equipment? The BAF| can provide you with limited credits or equipment if you can not. - I can. I have many money and characters-traders.
And lastly, since you are interested in the BAF, maybe you would also like to join the Bretonia Police Authority, the Bretonia Mining and Manufacturing, Bowex or Gateway. - Yet I am only interested in BAF
Another son of a family with a proud military tradition. Some men are meant to fight, I got little doubt you are one of them. Nevertheless you will have to pass the questionnaire you will recieve now to be accepted in the ranks of the Armed Forces.
Admiral Jacob McIntire
Mace, Richard
Your answer has been deemed good. You are expected to report on the HMS Norfolk as soon as possible.
You'll serve as part of her fleet.
I. Personal Information
Your name and surname: Kathleen Raymonds
Age: 26
Region, House or Location of Origin: Bretonia, New London, Planet New London
Any useful experience and qualifications: I am alread serving in the secondary fleet with my own flagship and hope to serve in the primary too, i was born into a family that served for decades.
Motivation for joining the Bretonia Armed Forces: I want to serve more directly, Bretonia is a beautiful House and i want to protect it.
Quote the Bretonia Armed Forces motto. CARINA, REGINA, IMPERATRIX!
Who is the current fleet admiral of Queen Carina the First's Armed Forces? Michelle O'Brian
What is the name of the Bretonia Armed Forces flagship? HMS-Pendragon
Enumerate the primary factions Her Majesty's Armed Forces are currently at war with. Lane Hackers, Corsairs, Mollys, Gaians, Xenos, Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army, Gallic Royal Navy, Nomads and Aliens
If you painted something on your ship, what would it be? The Armed Forces Symbol
Attachment: Bretonian Charter of Interstellar Law
// ooRP section
How would you rate your RP skills from 1 to 10? 8 to 9 (works best in Capital ships)
How would you rate your PvP skills from 1 to 10? 5
What is your Skype address? greymaster5
Have you ever been sanctioned? If you have, what for? Threatening with Sanctions
Do you agree to always be fair, considerate of other players and not to take inRP hostilities with characters to an ooRP level? Yep
What is your ooRP reason for joining the Bretonia Armed Forces? Caps. 9 (especially Kirk, i have one but having an official one would be nice one day)
Can you fund your ship and equipment? The BAF| can provide you with limited credits or equipment if you can not. Yep
And lastly, since you are interested in the BAF, maybe you would also like to join the Bretonia Police Authority, the Bretonia Mining and Manufacturing, Bowex or Gateway. I am in BPA already.
You seem to be a promising recruit and experience in the secondary fleet speaks for you too. It is good to see that the tradition of serving in the Armed Forces still is alife in your family.
You will recieve the questionnaire in this moment.
Admiral Jacob McIntire
Raymonds, Kathleen
Sometimes the simple solution is the logical one as you have recognized.
You are hereby accepted in the ranks of the Armed Forces.
You will serve in the fleet of the HMS Ark Royal, report on the ship at earliest convenience to get your fighter and transponders.
Bretonia Armed Forces Application Form
I. Personal Information
Your name and surname: Indra Otsutsuki
Age: 18
Region, House or Location of Origin: New London, Bretonia
Any useful experience and qualifications: Freelancer and decent very heavy fighter. Reasonable experience with bombers.
Motivation for joining the Bretonia Armed Forces: To protect my homeland
Short biography: Born in 805 AS in New London, Bretonia to Hagoromo and Inara Otsutsuki. Both were genetic engineers. I grew up listening to struggles of the nation and fixed my mind on helping it regain what was once a part of it. As of age now I've decided to join the Armed forces to be a part of its soon flawless victory.
II. Knowledge Questions
Quote the Bretonia Armed Forces motto.
"Carina, Regina, Imperatrix!"
Who is the current fleet admiral of Queen Carina the First's Armed Forces?
Fleet Admiral Michelle O'Brian
What is the name of the Bretonia Armed Forces flagship?
Enumerate the primary factions Her Majesty's Armed Forces are currently at war with.
Gallic Royal Navy, Gallic Royal Police, Mollies, Corsairs and Gaians
If you painted something on your ship, what would it be?
Hail Bretonia!
Attachment: Bretonian Charter of Interstellar Law
// ooRP section
How would you rate your RP skills from 1 to 10?
How would you rate your PvP skills from 1 to 10?
What is your Skype address?
Have you ever been sanctioned? If you have, what for?
Do you agree to always be fair, considerate of other players and not to take inRP hostilities with characters to an ooRP level?
What is your ooRP reason for joining the Bretonia Armed Forces?
Bretonia had order and clear cut vision.
Can you fund your ship and equipment? The BAF| can provide you with limited credits or equipment if you can not.
Yes to what I have.
And lastly, since you are interested in the BAF, maybe you would also like to join the Bretonia Police Authority, the Bretonia Mining and Manufacturing, Bowex or Gateway.